Kindergarten Supply List
School Year: 2023-2024
Grades: Kindergarten
Classes: All Kindergarten Teachers
Please label your child’s name and class on All Supplies. Please have a set of supplies at home to complete all homework assignments and projects.
4#2 Primary PencilsFat, (sharpened)
4Box(es) of #2 Pencils, SharpenedRegular Sized
4Box(es) of Facial Tissues
1Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size
1Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Quart Size
2Canister(s) of Disinfecting Wipes
1Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen)label all items with your child’s name in a Ziploc bag
4Crayola® Crayons, 24 CountBoxes
4Dry Erase Markerspacks
12Glue Stick, Large (22g)
2Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
2Hand Soap
4Mead® Primary Composition Book, Grades K-2
5Package(s) of Baby Wipes
1Package(s) of Construction Paper
4Package(s) of Printer/Copier Paper
4Paper Towels - Roll(s)
1Pencil Case
3Pocket Folders, PlasticTwo-Pocket
1Wash Clothor Sock
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